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Therapeutic Coaching, Counseling, Ceremony & Hawaii Retreats
Private Membership Association

An Exclusive Women's Mini retreat workshop to deeply witness, feel, & integrate all aspects of your primal radiance, love, play, & truth

PLEASUREPOWER workshops upleveled
will offer you an intimate view into all of who you are, where your strength and insecurities lie, where AND IF you hold shame and guilt in your body, WHERE YOU INNER CHILD, INNER GODDESS, AND VIXEN RESIDE. THE PRACTICES WILL invite you to integrate and align those parts through ancient tantric PHILOSOPHIES and modern neuroscience in the company of select sisters. sTEP INTO A DAY JUST FOR YOU. TO NOURISH YOURSELF IN YOUR TRUTH AND BODIES WISDOM. lISTEN TO HER AND ALIGN YOUR HEART, MIND, WOMB, AND PUSSY. dELIGHT IN AN Exquisite VEGETARIAN LUNCHEON AND PLAY IN THE HEART SHAPED POOL (photo below), EXPERINCE A MINI QUANTUM HEALING SESSION WITH MADHAVI AND A SENSUALLY PLAYFUL PHOTO OPPORTUNITY WITH mALLE. aLOHA DEAR SISTER. i SEE YOU, i HONOR YOU AND ALL OF YOU IS WELCOME HERE.

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Join my EMBODIED LOVE & RELATING FB group below
and enjoy a personal demo of my heart expanding breast massage practice on my YOUtube channel.
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